
Gifting Trees... Turns ONE!

We all love everything that happens for the first time, don't we? The first day in school, first birthday tele-call, first love and so on.. :-)

Today is Gifting Trees...'s first anniversary and we are experiencing the similar feeling! Though I started the blog in September, it was exactly before a year when I first dedicated a couple of trees for an occasion.

It was when I visited a sanctuary, I saw a beautiful tree blooming in bright red flowers. I was amazed to see that beauty. 'Why do we prefer an introduced tree like Gulmohar instead of this?', the thought hit me at the moment. It was the Indian Coral tree. For the sake of enthusiasm, I got its pod. Unknowing what a lifeless looking pair of seeds could bring, I sowed them near my house. I just wanted a beautiful tree near my house. It was 5th May, 2010.

After a week or so, we found tiny delicate leaves emerging from the soil. The seeds were sprouting! I still remember that moment. I was so happy! It became my favourite pastime to stare at the 'new borns'. ;-)

As the days passed, I realized that growing those plants gave me a feeling of growing children and I started observing them, taking care of them and loving them! As I have dedicated them for an occasion, they became special for me. That is how the idea of Gifting Trees... took root!

Now after a year, both of saplings are growing joyfully and are nearly of 2 feet height. The journey from two lifeless appearing seeds to lively grown saplings was amazing indeed! In this one year, we are proud to say that we have planted (and grown) 29 saplings on different occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries etc) and protected 3 naturally grown (Acacia & Ziziphus) trees from felling by humans.

If only both of us could plant and protect 32 trees in a year and that's too while taking care of previously planted trees; imagine what All of us can do? Take an example of Nashik. Immaaagine what we 20 lac Nashikites can do?!

This is very lengthy process, we have just started walking and require support from You and have a firm belief that you will support us.

We all must be aware of the plant life on earth. We forget that it is vital to our existence. Without plant life, we have no life, we have no food & water and now it may be the key to our survival. As long as it survives, we survive... Nature is amazingly resilient and can adapt very well, she just takes a little push sometimes. So be the catalyst and do your part! Plant a native tree and protect it. As per one of the famous Chinese proverb, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is NOW! You will surely enjoy its priceless gifts!

Let us commit to the belief that trees are the critical element of a livable environment.


  1. Cannot see a date on this post?

    Happy first blogaversary! Blotanical has become very quiet, so I'll add you to my blogroll and Reader as well.

  2. Thank you very much Diana.. :)
    I really appreciate that!
