
Get Involved...

                                      Get Greenvolved!

Looking for some concrete things you can do to save our Environment from degrading?
You can do lots of things if you want to... But before that, let me remind You the lines I read somewhere -

               "I always believed small things can have big impacts;
                until I came to know,
                there are no small things in the world!"

Go Native : If You don't like tree plantation, its OK. But don't plant an introduced or exotic species at least! Thats it! Doing this much also is quite enough! The exotic species acts as a plastic tree for wildlife and do not serve our environment. It just occupies the space which is an extremely limiting factor..especially in Urban areas.

           Whenever a group of volunteers or workers of Garden Department visit Your neighbourhood area for tree plantation, insist for Native Tree species only or say no to plantation. Planting nothing is always better than planting a exotic variety, as these invasive introduced species are found to drive away our wildlife.

Gift/Donate Native Trees : Gift someone You love/honour the gift that keeps on gifting! Its the bestest Green Gift You can greet someone with! You can even commemorate a special event like birthdays/ anniversaries by planting a tree.

Adopt a Tree : No one can plant and grow trees like Mother Nature. If You find a naturally grown native plant near Your place, You may take care of it and love to watch it grow!

Recycle Reduce Reuse : It is the only mantra which will save Us and our Environment from the challenges of Climate Change, Soil Degradation and Species Extinction.

Volunteer : Your enthusiasm, time and support are always welcome and greatly appreciated. You can even write for our blog; eg. Your tree planting experience.

           This activity is initiated to create a Green Awareness and conserve our Environment, that really need your contribution. Even if you are not able to donate trees, We cordially invite you to devote your physical contribution for volunteering the plantation activity.

Raise a Nursery : If You are interested, we can guide & help you to raise a small nursery in your backyard. Start collecting the seeds of Native Trees so that You can grow your own trees.

Share Ideas : Join the conversation and let us know Your thoughts. Share new ideas, techniques and information with others.

Spread the Word : If You like our work, talk about us to your relatives, friends and colleagues. Thus more & more people become aware about the importance of Native Trees.

Simplify Your Life : Live a simple life consuming only what is necessary and use all our resources to protect the environment.

           Think about Your choices. Every choice and every one counts! It is getting always more important for us to think about the choices we have and make them consciously to contribute to the shift towards more ecological values. And you might be surprised to discover that while we all do need to make lifestyle changes, saving the environment doesn't have to mean giving up the things you love.

Many of the solutions for a greener tomorrow already exist and we can choose them consciously, thus taking on responsibility for us and assuring a livable planet for coming generations...not only of wildlife, but of humans too!