
This Summer, Care for Trees?!

Just as we all are troubled by record-breaking temperatures every year, can you even imagine the sufferings of the trees and vegetation in our surroundings? Hot & dry summers can have an impact on your trees, especially when they are young and growing.

Based on NOAA's global analysis, the 10 warmest years on record have all occurred since 2005, and 7 of the 10 have occurred just since 2014. 2020 was the second-warmest year on record based on NOAA’s temperature data, and land areas were record warm.

Similar to the humans who find themselves lethargic and lifeless during these hottest summers, when water is scarce, the saplings you had planted last year also tend to deteriorate. Or when not taken care of in extreme conditions, die. 

At times like these, human intervention is key to helping your trees grow up healthy. Here are a few suggestions or tips which may help in protecting the saplings and young plants you love...

1. Mulch, a fresh layer!

Applying mulch provides some much-needed help for saplings, especially around the root area. Proper application of mulch is a good way to help young trees take in more water and set down strong root systems. Sufficient mulch of about 2 inches thick will not only retain the moisture, but also discourage the growth of weeds. Just do leave some space between the mulch and the base of the sapling.

2. Protect from direct sunlight

A shade net or any cloth for that matter can prevent your young sapling from harsh sunlight in the soaring heat. Shade cloth does not provide complete shade, but improves the diffusion of light and provides ventilation for the plants.

The cloth must be well-supported by 3-4 strong sticks or bamboo so as to act as a windbreak also. The sticks need to be inserted enough into the soil so that they stand strong against the winds. Then a shade cloth can be tied to these sticks in such a way that the plant receives sufficient sunlight, but harsh rays are blocked. Do make sure the plant growth should not be obstructed by the cloth. 

3. Water the plant!

Water the plants early in the morning or late evening when the temperature is not that high. Focus on the root zone to maximize the amount of water they get each time. Knowing how to water your plants properly should be your priority during the summer.

You may try keeping a perforated plastic bottle underground, which you fill every time. This, over a period of time, allows water to seep deeper into the ground, which encourages deeper root growth. 

4. Care of the soil

Soil is a vital part of the natural environment. It’s always better to check the surrounding soil of your plants. When the soil is extremely compact, it prevents the tree from getting the water and nutrients it needs. When the soil is sandy, it can not hold moisture and nutrients. The soil must be a good mix of these both impregnated with mulch so that earthworms can flourish in it. 

5. Watch out for signs of heat stress

Keep a sharp eye out for heat stress on particularly hot days. Common signs include drooping and wilting of the leaves. In case of heat stress, give your tree sufficient water to help it recover. 

A young plant must be taken care of during its first 3-5 years. Then it's just a piece of cake! We are doing the same and shall continue to do that. Today is the 12th anniversary of Gifting Trees... I think we have just begun!

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