Small Flowered Crape Myrtle or simply, Crape Flower (Lagerstroemia
बोंडारा) is
a moderate-sized deciduous tree which is
a very common tree both in the moist and dry deciduous forest in many parts of
India. Just like
Queen's Crape Myrtle, it is a beautiful tree that you can
not ignore when flowering.

In April-June, the tree flowers profusely with small white
flowers which are borne in 2-6 flowers clusters in leaf axils and at the end of
branches. Flowers are mildly fragrant and attract loads of bees, insects and
butterflies. You may also spot various birds and fly-catchers hunting on these
insects when flowering is at its peak.
Fruit is oval and is surrounded by a persistent sepal-cup at
base. The fruit dehisces dispersing the winged seeds. It is propagated by
seeds. For seed collection, you may have to visit the tree when the fruits are
mature but not dehisced; or else you may not find the seeds.
Till now this plant is used in
India for the treatment of
different diseases. The Santals of Chotanagpur region of
India uses the
leaves of this plant for treatment of infection and chronic sores. The plant
finds wide applications by the tribal women in overcoming lactation problems.
Traditional folklore opined that the whole plant can be used for treatment of
strangulation of intestine and syphilis. Cough, fever, asthma and bronchitis
can also be effectively well controlled by this plant. Leaf decoction cures fever while
extracts derived from flowers cures chronic dysentery and abdominal pain. The
tree is known to possess anti-inflammatory, antipyretic & antitussive properties.
Crape Myrtle is a light demander and drought resistant species.
Though the seedlings are killed by severe frosts, but older trees and coppice
shoots are frost-resistant. It grows on a variety of soils, but does not thrive
on waterlogged soils. It recovers well after fire. The tree coppices and
pollards well, regrowing vigorously. The tree yields a useful timber called
Ben-teak. A sweet flavored edible gum is obtained from the tree.

Though Crape Myrtle is rarely sighted in urban and sub-urb area, it
could become a perfect garden tree in cities. First of all, it is a
slow growing tree. Plus, you can keep it small by prunning. It won’t utilize much of your residential or commercial
space. The leaves are not palatable to cattle and hence are not browsed by
cattle. And last but not least, it flaunts white, fragrant flowers in dense
showy masses…A unique species having all-in-one qualities of an urban species.
What a beautiful tree