Indian Screw tree (Helicteres Isora/मुरुडशेंग, केवण) is a small
deciduous tree having serrated leaves & uniquely beautiful, nectary
flowers in sparse clusters. Due to small size and attractive flowers, the tree
is suitable for plantation in cities.

It flowers during July to September. They are pollinated
mainly by sunbirds & Flower Peckers. The caterpillars of Common Sailer and
Golden Angle feed on this plant. It is also visited by many other butterflies
and insects like ants, bees, sawflies, wasps etc. Hence the presence of this
impressive tree in your neighborhood will attract not only your neighbor's attention, but also different birds and insects.
Indian Screw tree possesses an impressive range of nutritional
and medicinal properties. Medicinally, it is a rich source of nutrients and
antioxidants of therapeutic importance. Investigations have indicated that the
plant has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-diabetic and antimicrobial properties.
The fruits are used in treating intestinal complaints, colic pains and
flatulence. Roots are known to be useful in diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery
& convulsions. The roots & stem barks are considered to be
expectorant, demulcent, astringent; and are used in scabies, biliousness. Fried
pods are advised to kill intestinal worms.
The tree is hardy and can tolerate degraded soils. It also
withstands dry periods. It easily propagates from seeds. The bark is the source
of a strong fibre. It is used as cordage for making cots, tying cattle and
ploughs. It is also good for making ropes and clothing.
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